Wednesday, November 10, 2010


"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Researchers are finding plants and animals in places where they're no suppose to be at. researcher looking for a rapid insesment which is a different species. Alien species have damage every continent. Every year the numbers go up on when the aliens have damage the continents. Over the years they have seen anormous creatures from the water and whats in it. Living things test there boundries. Aliens have spreaded and destroying property of other humans. Aliens are always up at night and are always looking for food. The wood is likely teaming with stole aways which are aliens and by themself they are capable of doin alot of damage. New Orleans termites lay low for lots of years. All of the invaders have got a break by not getting caught by the humans. People have found the fly species in the U.S..

Part 2

Alligator attacks have increased in the Victoria lake. You can also get a disease for drinking bad water. In 1992 water hyacthins were spotted in lake Victoria. If one population of animal dies then that the prays population is going to increasea. People were saying that weevils were just a joke but aftr five years they realized that the weevils were really good to there water place an other things like plants. The ants making more from the U.S. but thats bad for all of us. These signs may be warning from deeper u rest just maybe they are. Theres a new species in the forest and they are changing how the forest work. The run off can be dangerous the the native species. Hawai is looking so good it looks like paradise with allk kinds of things like pineapples, sugar canes, macadamian nuts are there now. A scientist name smitten has found a plant with thick leaves but purple underneath it. The Japinessee white bird can spread around seeds around the forest which is another imporant species. Theses plants called macouim are very dangerous because they can make the forest die and the ecosytem. Thanks to peole the plant is being watched by them but other people want the plant instead of killing them.Supporters says that with one continent the world can hold as many animals in the ocean and on the land. The people who study animals want to know what will happen if we put more diferent type of inaders in the ecosytem.
Part 3
In the winter the tempature can change to negative 3 but now the tempature is changing insteading of going down it is goin up. In 1997 there were a lot of caribus but since then there population have increased of the years. The oher reason why caribus are also decresing is because the Native Americans are killing them and eating them. Caribus always head for the hills so they could get the insects off of them and get good breezes. Since they go to the mountains it is harder for them to loo for some food and it is easier for the wolfs can find them and kill them. When the caribu dont get o food then they get weak and fall down and dies so thats also ow there population goes downs. Lots of the baby caribus are dying because they cant find there mother to feed them when they need food and the get lost and they snow storms also kills them all. The caribu population is increasing but its increasing slowly. Some people dont care about the animals because they only care about themselfs and there family.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you have seprated them into parts telling the diffrent things that are heppening and where it is happening:)

    ~iriecorpus aka (:hellokitty:)
