Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chris.F.11 2010

Hello my name is Chis F. My game topic is going to be about Acid Rain. The reason why i want to do it is because not a lot of people do Acid Rain plus it is only common when a tornadon happens and when it starts to rain when it the tornado is going on that is only if the tornado is super bad and it can take a building. I also wanted to do it because it sounded really awesome and i like the ideas that i ahve came up with also because i have tons of ideas for my gaame.
These links have helped me.
Wiki Pages That Helped My Research:
2. www.epa.gov/acidrain/what/indexhtml
Other Websites/Informational Resources:
New Resources That Helped My Research:
The New York Times
These have helped me and are gonna help me to find some mor info on them.

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