Monday, November 15, 2010


"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Part 4

We dont feel heat it is all the c02 that we feel. But the tempature will increase 10 degrees over time. Planktons are the oceans smallest and most eatable creature there is. Plankton wait till dark to go to the darker and deeper ocean. If global warming and pollution wasnt the problem then what was the problem. It was the plakton because the warmer the water the fewer planktons there are. If the water continues to get warmer then the marine biologist will have prblems finding the planktons. Crabs heart rate stops if the tempature of the water that they are used to is 2 degrees farinhight more so the creatures that eat crabs might not get all the nutrients. Some people do care they say we need to fix it and hope it dont get worst. In Triniada there is mostly more kids that have asthma. Kids that have asma has increased and increased. The coral reefs use to have beatiful colors and fish but now they dont they have a disease it could be the same as why so many kids have asma. In Triniada dust is very bad there where a doctors has notice that there is lots of dust. A docotr looked asthma children to african dust and in turns out that the dust mainly causes asma. The coral reef doctor notice that there was a disease which was asprajilous which casues sea pand disease. What a researcher have found is that the Atlantic hasnt been acting the way it's been acting. When the dust emerges it gets bigger and stronger but it just happens over again like the water cycle.
Part 5
Can all the forest that we were trying to save disappears it could because of the predators that are here. Before a flood lake guri in venazula was a forest with all kinds of animals who each had a job that they needed to do. Like there were some animals called holler monkeys that were kings of the top of trees that they defen by the sound that they have made. From island to island teams are searching for predator that might harm us. In the trees the holler monkeys are very packed togeher because there are not as many trees they also fight when there is food which they use to always play a lot. It ovious if we have kicked out the predators and they came back why cant we just kick them back out. But the thing is can the predators live on where we live. When Bob a scientist noticed that yellowstone lake was wrong he tryed to fix it but it was there for hundred and thousands of years. He also noticed that in a picture some people were pretecting it but in the background there was vegation but now its not there where could have all the vegation have gone. But most of all the pertains is where did the missing trees go. The azpens trees were going away but they have notice some suspects it couldnt be global warming but then they looked at there next supects which was forest fires. Then they look azpens beyond them selfs but the were looking at the trees but the trees were over seventy years old. By the 1930 at yellowstone there last wolves was gone. Over 3000 were gone because of the bountys that the people were offering. The kills that the wolves do are good for the ecosystem because one kill serves millions of animals. Wolves were actually doing a good thing because now at yellow stone all the animals have what they need like beavers wood they need for there homes. The hunting of bgi animals to small animasl the coral reefs are dying and they are being covered with a layer of algie. The coral sop growing and the algie covers it and some of it have to do with human impact. In jamica people say they love small fish but thats not all they only have small fish. To a grandma this is nothing its not imporant to her but us its very imporant because in the last few years we have 90 percent of big fish have been gone. In the 1970s there were lots of big fish like the snappers. People were fishing and took most of the fish but left a organism and the coral reef couldnt take it so the organism which is algie took right over it. Will the big fish ever return to the people are wondering and what are fishers without the fish. Now that the marine people have put a reserve the big fish might have a chance to return home safely and not be fished. Also the coral reefs might come back and be colorful again and fish will be there. Now the tables has turned they larger animals such as wolves, tiger, bears etc are being locked up in some cages such as the zoo.


This next part that i am going to tell you about is Trouble Waters. Water looks cleaner than in our generation. A lepord frog that is males orgins have eggs that are growing in them and they might die from it. Frogs that are in clean water are healthy and frogs that are in dirty water have a disease. A scientist named Hayes fears that this could clear the lepord frogs out like there species could be gone forever. The ting that they spray on crops befoe they are harvest it can only harm the frogs but it can harm us to becuse that could just be the water that we are drinking. People now that are studying the water is we dont know what in it anymore because so many different chemicals have been in the water its just been hard for us to figure out whats in the water. Another scientist that is studying Beluga Whales say that they travel in packs now. The picture that the scientist have taken make it look like they are scared of them. The way that the scientist can find about there health is they shoot dart guns at them which dont hurt them but gets some of whats in them so that the scientist can study them. Some thing a scientist name Mcgee put a cell in the blood it will fight the belugas disease. The Beluglas whales are being contaminated by the things that are in the St. Lawrence River they might tske it by asorbing it to there skin or since its in the water what they eat it could have that. Another question is what chemial coktail doing to us. A girl name Shanna Swan is discovering the water. A fsier has been fishing at a lake for 20 years but he is not catching that uch anymore because they have a disease called mercury and another one called methal mercury. The fisher wanted to do something to prevent the fish from getting methal marcury so he was looking at he said that the plant have a special ting for toxics and for other things but no plants can stand the methal mercury.But in 2 years he got plants to adopt plants to the methal mercury and other posions are i his sights. He has also worked on 20 different diseases that are in the water. Thanks to new technology we are able to prevent these disases that are invisible in the water . A farmer is one of the least farmer to see what goes in his crops and what he puts in it but he is growing sugar canes. Joining this runoff is the cow manuer. But he knows that if he doesnt stop it then it will go in the ocean and he is near the Great Barrier Reef. There are plants that are called Crown Of Thorn and it covers the corsl reefs but it may seem like they dont do anything but when t reveals it self its done lots of distruction to the coral then it moves on to more. This crown of thorns has been unsolve able but a scientist is trying to solve this problem since it hasnt been solved. The scientist belives that there is enough runnoff in the Great Barrier Reef that has been destroying the coral. The farmer is ready to take action because things are changing that we dont want to change. The farmers parents plantation use to have lots of trees to stop the runnoff from getting to the lakes but now there is trees but thing layers not enough to stop the farming chemical from it. Now we belive that sharks, whales, sword fish, and other are filled with chemiclas in there tissues. But we want to know where are the animal getting the chemicals. Theres a fish that is called molla molla and they want to know how they are getting chemicals in there body because they are hanging out in the shoe when they arent. So some scientist put tags on them to know where they are going. This is rally bad because all kinds of animals drinking or live in the water or might even do hings that we dont what hey do.

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