Monday, October 25, 2010


The age of stupid
Glaciers were so high back then that they could just step on to them. Bu now they have to climb down a ladder to get to the glaciers. Glaciers are melting more evryday. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orealens a man saved over 100 people. After Hurricane Katrina hit 9 months later they were already working on drilling for oil in the ocean. Green house gases has reached a record. Everything that is man made uses oil. Nigeria has lots of oil but they are not rich they are just getting even poor. People that live in Africa they breathe in all that nasty air and some of them die from it. The compinaies that are there in Africa think they can do whatever they want. Rick Perry is the reason why we dont have lots of money. George W.Bush basically tryed to take over Iraq for there oney a d oil. China is the main people that use lots of oil because they are the ones that make all of our shoes for us and do everything for us. Energy is so cheap you can just put it away. China also use it by putting them into boxes then ships them off. Anything that is plastic will not decompose. So these facts should encourage you to stop polluting and do the right thing so we can have a good future for your grandchildren or children.So i be vack with more info on my next blog. More people are bieng apart a protest to change the climate so we can have a better place. We also have until 2015 to get our global tempature down 2 degrees so we can have the climate not so high. Taking a plane has less green house gases then you using green house gases in your house. Also people protest about the climate change and the climate. We can make ideas but we have to make ideas on what we have right now. People are complaining about the wind turbines because they say it theres no wind and another person says its windy so basically they are lying. They aslo think that the birds are going to run into it so that means they are worried about the enviroment. There arent many fish anymore because they oil gets in the water and they eat and die so theres not a lot of them no more. People also have different points of view from all of us. Like if people fish they just keep them but some of them say that you can fish but just put the fish back so they wont die and there spieces wont die out or get exticnt. When people dont like something they destroy it, but when they destroy it they can ruin there self when it falls and they can get sewed from it. People think that wind mills are bad for them but they are usually not having to spend any money on there energy bill so they actually are getting it realy good. Politians are talking about puttinng wind turbines or wind mills up but when it comes down to it they dont want to do it. They created a protest to trucks so there would be less transportating things to other things. The real imporant thing is that each year everyting is changing and bad things are going on like wars, homeless people, huricane in New Orleans, and others that can kill us all. Perhaps in the future it might be suicide for all us that are leaving. So if we dont do things right then we all will die and i am not trying to scare you but i am just telling you the truth. So we need to start doing lots of things in our world and make this right and start to pick up trash and all that other good stuff.

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