Monday, May 14, 2012

Name of our Team: Shhhh
Title of game: Buffalo Soldiers
Topic: The topic of our game is to be the Buffalo Soldiers and defeat the confederate army.
What is the Learning Goal: The learning goal for our game is to learn about the Buffalo Soldiers and the to learn about the wars that they had fought in.
How will the player learn about the topic from playing the game: The player will learn about the topic from playing the game by going through the different wars that they had fought in.
What would you like to add or improve upon in the game: i would like to change some of the buttons because some of them do not work and they do not go to the next scene.
What was the most challenging part of creating this game: The most challenging part to making our game was putting it all together because some of the actions would get messed up.
What are you most proud of or what did you figure out through critical thinking and trial/error: I am most proud of actually finishing the game except for one part but it is going to work now.

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