Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Winding Down
My team name is JamPack.
The name of my gamde is called the Weather Checkers.
Our game is about the danger of weather and what to do if there is weather storm that is happening.
We have completed all of our scenes which are title scene, level one, level two, the about page and the instructions page.
Only the part where we have to explain the information about our game.
Right now i only need about like one more scene to complete so that we can all be done with the game.
I could work on the game everyday and try my hardest if i was to grade myself on the game i would give myself a ten because i did a lot of work.
Well i have learned lots of thing from each of the classes so i really cant explain what i have learned but about the game i have learned that you need your team inorder to finish the game.
ii am proud of getting nominated for the best proga mmer which is is basically the person that puts in the code.
I can improve next year by learning new codes and how to do them and help the teacher also if she needs some help.