Christmas means alot of things to me. It also means when my family gets together and talk what is happening to them. We also have a kickball game or football game. After that then they make food like it is thanksgiving. After they try to find a video of my grandpa while it was Christmas when he was alive. Then we will go to my aunts house for white Santa. Before that on Christmas eve we open one present but at twelve we open them all. After Christmas all that we start to try to store up on fireworks for January 1. But before that we start to get the presents that we like and play as soon as we get them or we if we are grounded then we cant play them but we can only open them. After that then all of our cosins will go to walmart and buy some games with the money from what they got on Christmas. After Christmas is over we all go to the park and start to set up and see if a football game is on or we will take our games and play them at the park. But this i think we will go to the trail of lights and do the whole thing then go do Christmas.